Soirée: The Younger Heroes

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The Younger Heroes

Club: Byron Bay Golf Club

Upcoming: 23
Date: 01.12.2017 11:00
Adresse: 62 Broken Head Road, Byron Bay, Australia | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: The Younger Heroes

Join us at Byron Bay Golf Club on Friday December 1, 2017 for a fun filled day fundraising for The Younger Heroes.

Your contribution will be used to finance The Younger Heroes pilot camp in November 2017. The results and data we generate from this camp will highlight the impact of our program against our mission: strengthening families.
Spend a day connecting with the Younger Families staff members over a day of golf!


With a team purchase you will be able to enter one full team into the contest! Corporate sponsors will be included in the event, with your direct benefits TBD before the event.

Be ready for a BBQ, drinks, a raffle and a short war story from one of the Younger Heroes staff members.


Go to the 'benojo' link below to register your team or sponsor a hole: