Soirée: Anzac Day

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Soirée: Anzac Day

Lest We Forget, In keeping with previous years we will take this day of remembrance an celebrate what they fought for!
We have George Rigby in to blast out some tunes for us and Our own Queen of the grill Dave on the BBQ outside flippin' burgers for the masses!!

No doubt the Little Creatures will be running wild about the place!

Invités: Alex Berling, Geoff Sheehan, Kira Kojola, Megan Rowlands, Lisette Stevens, Eva Johnston-Iafelice, Jamie Durham, Hemang Kapasi, Ip Ty Thao, Petrie Butler, Barry Sheehan, Nathan Backers, Ashley Collins, Maiju Kovalainen, Sky B, Andy Lees, Paolo Arcieri, Jean Pierre, Mark Gammon, Liisa Maria, Murray Dick encore »