Established in 2003, Cacao Beach Club quickly became the ultimate summer party destination in Bulgar...
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Established in 2003, Cacao Beach Club quickly became the ultimate summer party destination in Bulgaria. Located on one of the best beaches, Cacao Beach Club has been and will be host of breathtaking and exclusive events. The club is a favourite destination of leading DJs from the electronic scene, such as Sasha, Victor Calderone, John Digweed, Tiesto, Miguel Migs, Pete Tong, Audiobullys, Richie Hawtin, Shiloh, Mark Knight, Hernan Cattaneo, Matthew Dekay, Roger Sanchez, Swedish House Mafia and many more...
It’s an experience, compared by some to an ancient gateway to the mystical plateaus of the Andy Mountains, where shamans had their spiritual dances. Today, once again, Cacao Beach Club will be our place, at our time, our party, our summer...
Основан през 2003 Cacao Beach Club се превърна в топ парти дестинация през лятото в България. Намиращ се на няколко метра от брега на Черно море, Cacao Beach Club е бил и ще бъде домакин на незабравими и впечатляващи събития.Клубът е любим за изява на водещи имена от
електронната сцена като Sasha, Victor Calderone, John Digweed, Tiesto, Miguel Migs, Pete Tong, Audiobullys, Richie Hawtin, Shiloh, Mark Knight, Hernan Cattaneo, Matthew Dekay, Roger Sanchez, Swedish House Mafia и много други...
Сравняван с мистичните плата в Андите,където шаманите танцували на-добре, днес Cacao Beach Club отново ще бъде нашето място, нашето време, нашето парти, нашето лято...