Soirée: Primal Waters "Recrudescence" Album Release Show

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Primal Waters

Club: The Bourbon

Upcoming: 0
Date: 11.07.2015 20:00
Adresse: 1415 O St, Lincoln, United States | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Primal Waters "Recrudescence" Album Release Show

w/ TenDead, Slantpiece and Mr. Smith Acoustic
Rye Room
Doors: 8 p.m. || Show: 9 p.m.
$5: 21 and up || $7: under 21

The Bourbon Theatre presents...

::: Primal Waters :::

Primal Waters emerged in the year of the Mesonychoteuthis Hamiltoni when the stars were perfectly aligned and the Schoenberg brothers' specialized vibrational incantations truly began to bloom. With Chris hailing from the Faith Buried In Flames camp along with Dan also associated with the American Gunfight tribe and Merritt sailing in from unknown lands a fellowship was formed.
After many years and many prospects the hunt for the right battle companions came to an end and these warriors began to trudge on manipulating the perfect storm and leaving only the fiends to writhe in their aftermath.