Soirée: Astronauta Marinho
Page d'accueil > Mein Haus am See > Astronauta Marinho @ Handmade Music im Haus am See
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Astronauta Marinho is an instrumental/indie band formed in 2011 in Brazil. Since then composing and performing music essentially instrumental have been the guiding principle of their work. Based on their surroundings and personal experiences, the band has found their own way to carefully illustrate their perspective of daily life.
Their new album Menino Sereia proves a point of view that finds joy in the manifestation of sounds. It radiates without simple approaches, it can be accessible while it is not "more of the same." A mystical zone between folklore, common sense and sonic experimentations gestated on the observation of an environment that simply develops.
With an eclectic mix of tunes and a devoted audience in Brazil, they are ready to reach their audience outside their home country.
Invités: Leonardo Oliveira Marques, Mari Sorgine