Soirée: NEMAX

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Club: Liv

Upcoming: 12
Date: 24.02.2018 23:00
Adresse: Trg Republike, Niš, Serbia | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: NEMAX

LIVooovanje w/
• NEMAX//altrrnativa//bg
• Mande
Svoje interesovanje za muziku Nemax pokazuje jos u srednjoškolskim danima, a za elektronsku muziku i djing ozbiljnije počinje da se interesuje 2005. godine, kada i dobija svoje prve angazmane.

Poziciju na sceni učvrstio je na žurkama u legendarnom beogradskom klubu The Tube, a poznat je i kao jedan od članova sastava Alternativa i El Pegajoso. Kroz karijeru imao je priliku da svoje setove, uglavnom bazirane na techno i minimal-tech-house zvuku, predstavi publici na svim eminentnim festivalima i klubovima širom Srbije i regiona, a i u Aziji, Švajcarskoj, Norveskoj, Gruziji, Španiji, Grčkoj itd…
Nemax first became interested in music back in his high school days, and begun his involvement with electronic music and DJ-ing in 2005. when he booked his first gigs. Beside his solo act, he's also known as one of the members of the Alternativa duo and El Pegajoso collective, bringing a totally new vibe to the Belgrade's club scene with Vanovic and Kristijan Petrovski. During the last few years he is slowly but firmly making his place on the ever-evolving and active clubbing scene of Serbia's capital - Belgrade.

Since the very begining he's been a part of many interesting projects, events and festivals – as a performer, organizer and promoter as well. During this time he performed in some of the finest clubs and venues in the Balkans. He also had notable appearances in some of the major local and regional festivals, such as the globally renowned EXIT Festival in Novi Sad. Besides having the opportunity to present his sets, mostly based on techno and minimal-tech-house music, across Serbia and the whole region, he also performed in Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Georgia, Spain and Greece.
He is currently the resident of a new party concept in Belgrade, called Late Night Social Club in cooperation with club Gadost and Easy tiger organization, whose mastermind is Marko Nastic.

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